Saturday, April 14, 2007

work work work PLAY!

It's a been a good solid a lot done but I'm getting bored and we know what that means! Woo Hoo! Swell is pumping off the coast but fading into Monday so I'd better get out there. I'll be unreachable til Monday morning or so.

As a side note: I love my life.....but I think it would be utter poopie without knowing the God who created me and all else. Being amongst creation and realizing who you are in light of who Jesus is really makes for a good day. I hope you can find this too.

Oh, oh and you guys need to check this! The village pastor's son/driver wrecked our pickup truck into a bull a week ago. Yes, I'm referring to the really big male animal with horns. Needless to say, I'm putting some miles on this ole beater bicicleta that I bought back in January. Oh well, I'm seeing this world in a different light all over again. It's amazing how not having a vehicle will change your life so drastically. The moral that I've learned is that we've really bought into this lie that we need all these things when we really don't. I thank God that I've risen above the commercial world that tells me I need all this stuff.......and that car had better be fixed by next week or somebody is going down! HA!

How do you hit a bull with a car anyway?


Blogger Jeramie Mullis said...

Re: "How do you hit a bull with a car anyway?"

well, bulls are very sneaky animals. you can't rule out the possibility that the bull ran into you friend's truck and not the other way around.

... yeah, you're right. that sounds like a load of "bull" to me too.

Good to hear you're catchin some radical swells, dude. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back in town. God Bless!

9:02 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

it's crazy fun to read of your adventures, mr. wilser. i also understand the idea of drying up spriritually in a strange place, even when you're doing God's work. amazing how community takes on a whole new meaning when you lose it. but when i figure it all out, i'll be sure to let you know.

miss you, wilser.

10:53 AM  

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